Live Session @ Urgent Radio

We've recorded a live session for Urgent Radio yesterday. We focussed on new songs, which haven't been recorded so far. So here it is, the way it was recorded, late at night, straightforward, no overdubs or anything, just pure'n'raw M*E*S. Enjoy!

Mise en Scene | Live @ Rommelkot by Official

Writing & Writing !

As ideas and inspiration keep floating around, new songs are being written in no time it seems.
It's been a while since we wrote new tunes, but the process of songwriting is going smoothly; everybody comes up with new  ideas & riffs, and this 'no boundaries'-approach makes us experiment thoroughly with all kinds of rhythms & influences. Beware, beware! :D

Furthermore, we've reworked some of the 'older' new songs, and have already written 3 new tunes so far and about 3 or 4 more songs are waiting to get finalized.  We hope to get some of these songs into pre-production before Summer, and start recording late Fall... or something...